An Introvert’s Guide To Sharing on The Internet
7 tips to show your work
1. Do an atomic dispatch
Build big by shipping atomic. Could be an idea, insight, or work in progress, build a schedule for sharing small on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Medium, Reddit. Eventually, your tribe will find you.
2. Get comfortable with being an amateur
Always remember that the world’s moving fast. You maybe in a job that didn’t exist a few years back. “I have to be an expert” is a trap. Get over it and be an amateur instead.
3. Take people behind the scenes
Your artwork could be a masterpiece, but what makes it one is your process. Share that and avoid overthink.
4. Find your support network
Could be your friends, colleagues, or people you admire. The right ones can magically both uplift you and ground you.
5. Connect generously, block ruthlessly
Be open to new connections, it’s hard to know who you can help and vice versa. At the same time, block trolls ruthlessly. They aren’t worth your sanity.
6. Consistency is the 9th wonder of the world
Remember that your ending depends on where you stop the story.
7. One over a thousand:
It helps to think of your audience as just one person. You can’t impress a thousand, but you can make a big difference to one.